Thursday, February 2, 2012


So this is how it is? This is what our world is turning into? I can’t belive this is how it will end. Everybody in the world even citzens fighting for their own freedom from these animals takeing us every second. They could take us out with one nuclear bomb in  every country, which they have the aircrafts to do so. Thats all it takes, i say to myself. Then thats when a big bomb hits us and we are all thrown back down this small hillside. We have been trying to get past this hillside for about an hour now, but they keep hiting us with bombs every time we try to go up it. We stop trying to go up it. Most or at least half of our men are wounded or dead. We have a lot of hospitals all around us for the wounded. The dead is carried to a graveyard about a mile away from here. Once the bombing stops we wait for a second and then run up the hillside to try again. This time we made it and we run down the other side to see the village here is completely distroyed. Includeing the Hospital. Not even half of the village is still alive. “We will stay and help for a bit but we have to keep movieng when we are done”. Says my commander. So we stay for a bit, but once the hospital is back up and running we move on to ur quest to get to the other villages around in this country of North Carolina, but now its called “District 14” thanks to china.. You see when china stoped sending or selling resources to every other state or country but theirs. It started a war. A war that will never be forgotten. After that day they sayed that, we all planed to take them down, but they did something even worse they send over 2 millon of their units in their  army here to make us into one big country called “Panem”. The really bad thing is that we had to kill ourselfs to stay alive. The only down fall to that is they didn’t have much of an army when they had a huge meeting that day, so we took all the people that were watching us down and went right to the building they had the meeting at and burned it down. Most of them made it out and told the china capital what we were doing and got them out of here and started bombing us everywhere. That was 3 years ago though. Now days its either you fight or die. I chose to fight mostly because i hate the china Capital. And i plan on killing the man in charge there for killing my whole family. I will make sure he pays big time for that. THIS IS TO BE CONTINUED.